Industrial Paint

Choose the appropriate industrial paint based on the job description.

1: Colour maintenance work

Details: industrial paint products, maintenance work, surfaces of various parts in factories, structural work, crane work, steel pole work, floor work, machinery work.

2: Colours for building and structure work

Description: Industrial paint products For the purpose of rust prevention, coating work Enhance durability and protect against chemicals that affect building structures or all types of factories.

3: colours for transformer work and power plant work

Description: Industrial paint products Both primer and topcoat are used for electrical transformer work, including equipment installation. Highly durable The thick paint film layer protects the transformer’s long life.

5: Colours for electrical appliance parts, plastic spray paint

Description: Paint product for spraying industrial plastic parts such as ABS AS PP PC. Suitable for spraying. There is no effect on plastic. Excellent surface coating. Prevents scratches on the work surface.

6: Colours for car parts

Details: Automotive parts spray paint products Suitable for humidifying work on all types of automobile parts, it is strong and durable.

7: Colours for boat work and port work

Details: Paint products for boat protection coatings. Port structure work that withstands sea breezes and hydrochloric acid from the sea to protect the skin extends lifespan and provides excellent rust protection and durability.

8: UV colours

UV paint system products are paints that are cured with UV light. It is an innovation in the paint coating industry. It is widely popular, both in the woodworking and metal industries. Plastic, composite fibre, cosmetic jars, or lids that require special beauty Prevent scratches.

9: Heat-resistant colours

Description: Heat-resistant paint for steelwork subjected to high heat. Can be used both inside and outside the building. Highly flexible and has excellent adhesion. Excellent resistance to heat and weather conditions from 200 to 400 degrees Celsius.

10: Furniture colours

Details: Enhancing the natural beauty of wood to make it look better. This process produces wood with the desired colour and helps protect the wood from daily use. as well as various solutions that arise from commonly used skin coating processes. The characteristics of the model will be emphasized. Modern skin coating techniques help make the true beauty of the wood appear clearly. In addition, it also helps with the same work but in different colours.




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